3日 吴仪部长在京会见比利时弗拉芒大区首席大臣范·登·布兰德一行。 4—15日 由外经贸部副部长石广生率领的中国经贸暨投资代表团启程赴南非进行为期11天的访问,成员包括外经贸部、国家计委、冶金部等部门的高级官员和50家实力雄厚的大型企业负责人。6日 代表团团长石广生在南非约翰内斯堡举行的南非中国经贸合作研讨会上发表演讲,阐述中国政府对发展与南非经贸合作的原则和建
On the 3rd, Minister Wu Yi met in Beijing with Van Den Bland, Chief Minister of the Flemish Region of Belgium. From April 4th to 15th, the Chinese economic, trade and investment delegation led by Shi Guangsheng, vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, set off for a 11-day visit to South Africa. The members included senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry and 50 strengths. Strong head of large business. On the 6th, the head of the delegation Shi Guangsheng delivered a speech at the South African China Economic and Trade Cooperation Seminar held in Johannesburg, South Africa, explaining the principles and construction of the Chinese government’s economic and trade cooperation with South Africa.