当我国为振兴京剧,举行徽班进京二百周年纪念活动之际,北京市艺术研究所和上海艺术研究所编著的《中国京剧史》(上卷),由中国戏剧出版社出版问世了。这是振奋人心,令人鼓舞的大喜事! 《中国京剧史》是以马克思主义为指导思想编写的第一部京剧史巨著。这部具有开拓意义的三卷本京剧史,对自1790年(清乾隆五十五年)徽班进入北京开始,到形成京剧发展至今的全部历史进行总结。其中,特别总结我们党领导戏曲改革半个多世纪以来的历史经验。这对于促进当代戏曲艺术革新发展,对于弘扬优秀民族文化,振奋民族精神,都具有重要实际意义。
When China celebrated the bicentenary of Beijing Opera to revitalize Peking Opera, the “History of Peking Opera” (the first volume) edited by Beijing Art Institute and Shanghai Institute of Art was published by the Chinese Theater Press. This is an exciting and encouraging happy event! "The History of Peking Opera in China is the first masterpiece of the history of the Beijing Opera based on Marxism. This pioneering three-volume history of Beijing opera begins with the introduction of the emblem class in 1790 (fifty-five years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong) into Beijing and the conclusion of the history of the Beijing opera so far. In particular, we have summarized in particular the historical experiences our party has been leading the drama reform over the past half century. This is of great practical significance for promoting the innovation and development of contemporary Chinese drama and for promoting the excellent national culture and boosting the national spirit.