引进人才 艰苦创业——大庸市芙蓉时装厂在改革中前进

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改革的春风,唤醒了武陵、雪峰,南岭_山脉沉睡的高山和封闭的王国。世居这一带的少数民族,越来越多的人走出山门,甩掉手中的穷棍,迎着时代的潮流,跻身于日新月异,万商云集的闹市新城。他们有的白手起家,艰苦创业,有的内引外联,招徕生意,使生产发展较快,经济搞得较活,生活也一天天好起来。大庸市芙蓉时装厂就是一个范例。然而,也有一些地方仍然在那里等待、观望,怨天尤人,他们中有的人也走出去了,但却是四处求援,搞得钱来“先治窝,后治坡”,在“治窝”方面下功夫,显身手,而在发展事业,搞活经济方面,则考虑不多,无所作为。我们编发这篇稿件,意在引起各民族地区各族人民,尤其是各级领导同志的注意,并期望着有更多的象大庸市芙蓉时装厂式的企业和人物脱颖而出,为繁荣民族地区的经济、文化增添光彩。一走进土家族,苗族工人占80%的大庸市芙蓉时装厂,就给人们一种美的享受,那各种各样的、时代感很强的出口服装五颜六色,琳琅满目,美不胜收。那一个个认真负责、刻苦学艺、飞针走线的土家,苗族姑娘使人佩服,那一件件十分优美、惹人善爱的绣花麻布衣,就和它的厂名相似,真象一朵盛开的芙蓉花,香飘万里,扬名中外。如果有人要问这朵引人注目的“荚蓉”花是怎样盛开起来的,就请看下面三句歇后语。 The spring breeze of reform awakened the sleeping mountains and closed kingdoms of Wuling, Xuefeng, Nanling Mountains. Living in this area of ​​ethnic minorities, more and more people out of the mountains, get rid of the hands of the sticks, facing the trend of the times, among the rapidly changing, thousands of business district downtown Metro. Some of them start from scratch, start their own businesses with painstaking efforts, attract foreign investment, attract more businesses, make production faster, make the economy more liveable, and live a better life. Dayong Furong Fashion Factory is an example. However, there are still some places where there are still waiting, watching and complaining. Some of them have also gone out, but they are seeking help and making money to “cure the nest first and then cure the slope.” In terms of “treating the nest” Work hard and demonstrate their skills. However, in developing their cause and enlivening the economy, they have not considered doing much or doing nothing. We have compiled this manuscript in order to draw the attention of the people of all nationalities in various ethnic areas, especially leading comrades at all levels, and expect more enterprises and figures like Furong Fashion Factory in the city of Yongyong to stand out for the prosperous ethnic areas The economy, culture, add luster. A walk into the Tujia and Miao workers accounted for 80% of the Dayong Furong Fashion Factory, give people a kind of beauty to enjoy, then a variety of times, a strong sense of time and colorful export apparel, dazzling array of beautiful. That a serious and responsible, hardworking, Tufei alignment Tujia, Miao girl admiration, that one is very beautiful, lovable embroidered linen clothes, and its name is similar to a real one Blooming hibiscus flower, fragrant floating miles, famous at home and abroad. If anyone asks how this striking “Plum” flower is blooming, see the following three sentences.
目的 探讨双脉冲、低能量1064 nm Nd∶YAG激光治疗婴幼儿唇部血管瘤的疗效和不良反应.方法 19例唇部血管瘤患儿接受长脉冲1 064 nm Nd∶YAG激光治疗,双脉冲,脉宽4~6 ms,脉冲间
目的 探讨霉酚酸酯对过敏性紫癜小鼠T-bet、GATA3表达及Th1/Th2平衡的影响.方法 建立过敏性紫癜小鼠模型60只,随机分为模型组、霉酚酸酯低(100mg/kg)、中(200 mg/kg)、高(300
几经上下浮沉几番风雨变迁苍海无情隔不住两岸相思浮云无定飘不尽游子恋情伸出的手搭起的桥划出了《写在台湾海峡的句号》 After several ups and downs ups and downs of w