How to improve middle school students’ English reading comprehension abilty

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  【Abstract】English reading is very important in the process of students’ learning English in middle school, it is not only a part of the students to learn English, but also one of the means of students’ learning English. So the article discuss how to improve middle school students’ English reading comprehension abiltiy.
  【Key words】Improving English reading comprehension ability
  When we cultivate the ability of students’ reading comprehension ability. At first, we teachers need to establish a training program that is long-termed and systematic . Second, we should make full use of classroom teaching which is very important. To make good use of the text that can be good reading material. The text of articles of textbook and reading articles in after-school practice are mostly from the English original works or adaptation, or other language translation on the works of the subject matter that is extensive, style diversity, modest, vivacious, active, and healthy. It is the main language material to cultivate students’ English reading comprehension.
  1. The factors of affecting reading comprehension
  A number of factors which affect middle school students’ reading comprehension, but on the whole, generally can be divided into two aspects: Linguistic factors and non-linguistic factors.
  1.1 Linguistic factors
  Linguistic factors refers to the degree of students’ mastering the language knowledge, including language knowledge and language skills, namely the degree of students’ mastering words, phrases and habits of expression, the text and grammar knowledge.And these factors, as it is the most important factor of influencing students’ reading comprehension .If the students do not have a large vocabulary in English, when they read the article, they will have a lot of words that can not understand, even can’t read the article to get its essence, it will affect the students’ reading speed and effect. In addition, if the students have an aspect of knowledge that is too narrow.If they are lack of English language sense, it will also affect the students’ reading effect.
  1.2 Non-linguistic factors
  Non-language factors include students’ reading psychology, reading skills, problem solving ability and bad reading habits and so on. If the students read the language materials in confidence, and they also have a strong desire to read, then the effect will be better. On the other hand, if students are not interested in reading, even there is a fear of reading, it will affect the reading effect.   2. The problems existing in the high school English reading teaching
  Main problems of students in learning English reading
  1) Lack of vocabulary. The key to reading is vocabulary. The main problem in reading English text is the vocabulary and reading comprehension: small vocabulary will not be able to expand the reading quantity, with narrow understanding of word meaning, it will be difficult to grasp the meaning of the author of the text. Therefore, vocabulary has important influence in improving your reading speed and understanding .
  2) the basic knowledge of grammar is weak. Students often meet some special sentence patterns and complex sentences, such as ellipsis, emphasize complex sentences. Students cannot understand its meaning easily, so that cannot understand the meaning of paragraphs and the text.
  3) the bad English reading habits. Most of the students exsist bad reading habits such as slow reading, reread and abuse of dictionaries and rely too much on the teacher to explain in detail, and many other bad reading habits.
  3. How to improve middle school students’ English reading comprehension
  3.1 Strengthen the scientific research ability, improve their own quality
  Under the guidance of new curriculum concept, students should use the new learning material rich in content, strong times, conforms to the characteristics of high school students, reading psychology and interests and develop various reading ability.
  3.2 Pay special attention to the words off, pay attention to the accumulation of vocabulary
  Memorize English words as much as possible at ordinary times, because we must read fluently, we must have a rich vocabulary. If an article has a lot of unfamiliar words, it is very difficult to read quently. Especially the current version of the new target teaching material, the students memorize words more difficultly.
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