An Interesting Class:贾润泽

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  We have a good English teacher. Her name is Lily. She has taught our English for four years. Her English classes are very interesting.
  Last Wednesday morning, Lily gave us an English lesson “A party”. Before this class, she asked us to decorate(裝饰) our classroom with kinds of flowers, pictures and colourful balloons. We didn’t know what she was going to do. Actually, it was Children’s Day. She had a party! We played roles at the party. Lily played a clown(小丑) and gave each of us a nice gift. We learned a lot from these interesting activities. Lily also showed her humor in her English class.
I am a student at Haimen Experimental Primary School.
Cameras can take pictures. Our eyes are like a camera. When we open them, they begin to take pictures. Then they send the pictures to our brain(大脑). They work like this.  the actual(实际的) tree  1. Eat
Dream is pursuit,  Dream is strength.  Dream is a kind of intellectual light,  Encouraging you to move ahead.  夢想是追求,  梦想是力量。  梦想是一束理智之光,  鼓舞着你前进。
What do you think about honey? Honey is sweet. It is very sticky(粘的). In fact, honey is also very amazing. If you store(儲存) pure(纯的) honey the right way, it doesn’t go bad for a long time. How old is
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唐僧师徒四人为取真经,行至白虎岭前。这里住着一个白骨精,为了吃到唐僧肉,她先后变身为村姑、老妇、老头儿,但全被孙悟空识破、打败。然而,唐僧责怪孙悟空恣意行凶,将孙悟空赶回了花果山……离开了孙悟空,唐僧还能渡过劫难吗?一起来欣赏江苏省连云港市连云区院前小学的同学们的精彩表演吧!  Tang: Amitabha, do you know where we are now?  Wukong: Bajie
This is an English class. At the beginning, Miss Zhao takes out some pictures. She lets us use the words on the pictures to make different sentences. A total of 12 pictures are divided into region, ti
山上有一棵神奇的百果樹,上面结满了各种各样的水果。你能摘到哪些水果?你能摘到多少水果?谁会是最后的赢家?开始游戏吧,答案由你们来揭晓!  1. 将右边的水果卡片沿虚线剪下。游戏时,每个玩家选择一张水果卡片作为自己的棋子。  2. 找一枚骰子。游戏时,轮流掷骰子。每个玩家按照掷出的点数,拿着自己的棋子在游戏图片上走相应的步数。  3. 准备好纸和笔,随时记录各自得到的水果和数量。  注意:在有石阶的