
来源 :伊犁师范学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyhai
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詈词指的是用粗言秽语、恶言恶语来侮辱或斥责他人的言语。有些人通常以使用詈词的方式来宣泄自己的情绪,平衡心理。它是人类语言的一个组成部分。通过研究哈萨克语詈词的表达方式、词汇特征,可以看出这个民族的传统观念、文化心理、思维方式以及独特的文化内涵。 詈 word refers to the use of abusive language, evil language to insult or rebuke others speech. Some people usually use the words to vent their emotions, balance psychology. It is an integral part of the human language. By studying the expression and vocabulary characteristics of Kazakh 詈 words, we can see the traditional concepts, cultural psychology, ways of thinking and unique cultural connotation of this nation.