传染病的病原体有 2 5 0多种 ,其中 45 %可通过昆虫传播。虫媒传染病占传染病总数的 2 0 % ,对人类危害极大 ,故媒介昆虫的防制是防病工作中的一项重要措施。但媒介昆虫对化学药物产生的抗性 ,给防制带来了一定困难。近年来人们对应用免疫预防技术控制媒介传播的疾病产生了很大
There are more than 250 pathogens of infectious diseases, of which 45% can be transmitted by insects. Insect-borne infectious diseases account for 20% of the total number of infectious diseases, which are extremely harmful to human beings. Therefore, the prevention of vector insects is an important measure in disease prevention. However, resistance of chemical insects to chemical insects has brought certain difficulties to prevention and control. In recent years, there has been a great deal of development in the use of immunoprophylaxis to control the spread of the disease