煤炭生产企业如同其它企业一样,企业经济效益也是由企业管理诸多要素共同作用产生的结果。那么怎样才能提高乡镇煤矿的经济效益呢?在煤矿企业管理多环节工作中,应该抓住哪些工作才能有助于煤矿企业经济效益的提高呢?本文结合全国重点产煤县长治县煤炭工业总公司近几年来的工作实践,对新形势下提高乡镇煤矿经济效益谈两点看法: 一、加强煤矿企业内部成本核算,力求降低能源和材料的消耗。
Coal production enterprises, like other enterprises, the economic efficiency of enterprises is also the result of a combination of many elements of business management. So how can we improve the economic benefits of township coal mines? In the multi-link management of coal mines, what should be done to help improve the economic benefits of coal mines? In this paper, coal industry in Changzhi County Work practices in recent years, on the new situation to improve economic efficiency of township coal mines talk about two views: First, to strengthen the internal cost accounting coal mines, and strive to reduce energy and material consumption.