皇家安大略博物馆在玉器收藏和研究方面的成果在全球各地的博物馆中可谓名列前茅,“人”应该是最直接因素。那些人·那些事:查尔斯·特里克·柯雷利(Charles Trick Currelly)除精于学术并具有长远战略目光的研究人员之外,慷慨的赞助人和顶尖的藏品代理人也是ROM成功的关键所在。巧合的是,他们相继在最合适的时间及地点出现,就如同接力般,为ROM的馆藏贡献着自己的力量。其中,首当其冲的必然就是首任馆长柯雷利博士。正如前文所述,具有考古学背景的柯雷利博士对中国
Royal Ontario Museum of jade collection and research achievements in the museums around the world can be described as among the best, “people ” should be the most direct factor. Those who do things: Charles Trick Currelly In addition to academically academically long-term strategic researchers, generous patrons and leading collection agents are key to ROM success Where you are. Coincidentally, they appear one after another at the most suitable time and place, just as the relay, as ROM collection contribute to their own strength. Among them, bear the brunt of the inevitable is the first director Dr. Ke Lalei. As stated earlier, Dr. Correlis with an archeological background is in China