患者,女,43岁。因左眼翼状胬肉,在局麻下行左胬肉切除联合结膜瓣移植术,术中分离、剪除内直肌肌鞘上的增生组织时,患者突觉恶心、欲呕、腹痛,当即停止手术,头向右偏,保护术野,患者呕吐出胃内容物约300毫升,肌注爱茂尔2毫升,症状消失10分钟后,又重新消毒术野,尽量避免接触内直肌,继续完成手术。眼-胃肠反射(或称眼-胃反射oculo-gastric reflex)。
Patient, female, 43 years old. Due to the left eye pterygium, under the local anesthesia with conjunctival flap removal of the left pterygoid surgery, intraoperative separation, removal of the rectus musculoskeletal hyperplasia, the patient suddenly nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, immediately stop the operation , Head to the right side, to protect the surgical field, the patient vomit stomach content of about 300 ml, intramuscular injection of 2 ml, the symptoms disappear 10 minutes, and then re-disinfection of the surgical field, try to avoid contact with the rectus muscle, continue to complete the operation . Eye - Gastrointestinal reflex (also known as oculo-gastric reflex).