2007年4月2013年8月,我们将96例食管癌手术切除患者术中胸腔冲洗液行细胞学检查及DNA倍体分析,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料96例均为我科2007年4月至2013年8月收治的行手术治疗的食管癌患者,男性为71例,女性为25例,平均年龄为62.9岁。行左颈左胸二切口57例;左颈右胸腹正中三切口21例,右胸腹正中二切口8例,单纯左开胸10例。1.2仪器和试剂流式细胞仪为美国BCKMAN COULTER公司产品,DNA stain kit为美国BCKMAN COULTER公司产品,免洗溶血素。1.3方法
April 2007 In August 2013, 96 cases of surgical resection of esophageal cancer were performed intrathoracic rinse liquid cytology and DNA ploidy analysis are as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information 96 cases were surgical treatment of esophageal cancer patients from April 2007 to August 2013 in our department, 71 males and 25 females, with an average age of 62.9 years. Left and right neck left chest two incisions in 57 cases; left and right chest and abdomen in the middle of three incisions in 21 cases, the right chest and abdomen in two incisions in 8 cases, left simple thoracotomy in 10 cases. 1.2 Instruments and reagents Flow cytometry for the United States BCKMAN COULTER company’s products, DNA stain kit for the United States BCKMAN COULTER company products, no-hemolysin. 1.3 method