河北人民出版社一九八三年六月出版的《世界趣事新编》一书第69页称:“氢是世界上最重的气体。它是十九世纪末法国科学家居里夫妇发现的。它的重量是氢气的111.5倍。”说氡是居里夫妇发现的不对。赵匡华编著的《107种元素的发现》对这个问题作了回答:这种元素是一八九九年加拿大人欧文(Owens, R. B.)和一九○○年德国人道恩(Dorn, F. E.)分别发现的。该书指出:一八九九年,加拿大马克歧尔大
The 69th edition of World Factbook, “The New World of Things,” published by Hebei People’s Publishing House in June 1983 reads: “Hydrogen is the heaviest gas in the world and it was discovered by the French scientist Curie in the late nineteenth century. The weight is 111.5 times that of hydrogen. ”That radon was discovered by the Curie couple was wrong. The “discovery of 107 elements” by Zhao Kuanghua replied to this question: This element was discovered by Owens (RB) in Canada in 1899 and Dorn (FE) in 1900 respectively of. The book states: In 1899, Canada Mark large