纵观中共第一代领导集体领导中国革命与建设的历史 ,用地位显赫、影响深远来概括是毫不过分的。它的特点鲜明——作风优良、民主团结、独立自主、素质超凡、旗帜鲜明 ;它的功过鲜明——最大的功绩是创建了新中国 ,指引中国走上独立、富强、民主的社会主义道路 ;最大的过失是在探索建设有中国特色社会主义的征途中 ,未能及时有效地克服“左”的倾向 ,最终愈演愈烈 ,以致陷入了“文化大革命”十年动乱的迷雾之中
Looking at the history of the leadership and leadership of China under the leadership of the first generation of the CPC leadership, it is absolutely not too much to sum it up in the light of its status and profound influence. Its distinctive features - style of work, democracy and solidarity, independence, extraordinary quality, clear-cut; its meritorious - the greatest achievement is to create a new China, guide China onto an independent, prosperous and democratic road to socialism; the largest Was the tendency of failing to overcome the “leftist” in a timely and effective manner while exploring the socialism with Chinese characteristics. It eventually became more and more violent, causing it to fall into the fog of the “Cultural Revolution” ten years of turmoil