菲利普·德·苏萨是伦敦圣玛丽大学学院古典学系的高级讲师 ,也是当今最具权威的古代海盗问题专家 ,《希腊罗马世界的海盗行为》① 是汇集他多年研究心血和结晶的首部专著。此书问世伊始 ,便在古代史学界引起了巨大轰动。这完全是因为自从 1 92 4年H .A .奥麦洛德推出了《古
Phillip de Susa is a senior lecturer in the classical department of St. Mary’s College, London and the most authoritative expert on piracy in ancient times. “The piracy in the Greco-Roman world” is the first monograph on his years of research and crystallization . The book came into being, it caused a huge sensation in the ancient history. This is entirely due to the fact that A.A. Omellode launched “The Ancient.”