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象鼻蚌,因其体态硕大、肉质鲜美,近年来风靡我国的海鲜市场,高档餐馆、酒楼常见其真容。两片颇大的贝壳容纳不下它那粗壮的身躯,无论它如何紧闭双壳,那条如同象鼻的粗脖子进出水管因过于粗大而缩不进壳内,只得暴露于壳外。所以,商业上称其为象鼻蚌。象鼻蚌来自何方? Trunk mussel, because of its huge body, delicious meat, swept the seafood market in China in recent years, high-end restaurants, restaurants, its common content. Two large shells can not accommodate its sturdy body, no matter how it closed the double shell, the nose-like rough neck  into the water pipe too thick and shrink into the shell, only exposed outside the shell. Therefore, it is commercially regarded as the snakehead mussel. Where does the proboscis come from?