【摘 要】
Since President Donald Trump took office, the United States' policy toward Russia has experienced upswings and downts, oscillating between opposite sides and de
Although India is not geographically adjacent to Central Asia, it has made great efforts to formulate its own Central Asia policy.In recent years, India's Conne
The world today is undergoing profound changes not seen in a century. In terms of its formal structure, the world system has been greatly affected by the striki
With the unveiling of its new Africa strategy at the end of 2018,the Trump administration's basic policy framework for Africa began to take shape. Generally spe
In major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era, people-to-people exchange, political and security cooperation, and economic cooperation
For China, 2019 is a year of national celebration and of building on past achievements to forge into the future. We warmly celebrated the 70th anniversary of th
China's presence in Africa has a long history of cordial interaction spanning from ancient to contemporary times. The history of China-Africa relations is held
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠大气环境综合观测试验站——塔中站2014年30 min步长实测数据,系统分析塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地地表辐射和能量平衡特征及小气候特征.结果表明:塔中地区辐射平
一、封冻墒情好,冬季雨雪多rn冬前降水场次多,土壤贮水丰沛,河东旱作农业区部分地方土壤过湿,封冻墒情良好.冬季(2018 年12月至2019年2月)全省降水量较常年同期偏多48%,为近10