我们国家经历十年的改革,为国民经济注入了强大的活力,促进了经济和社会的发展,提高了人民的生活水平。随着经济和社会的发展,人民生活水平的提高,对能源的需求迅猛增加,能源供求之间的缺口越来越大。当前在压缩基本建设投资规模的情况下,要求国家向能源工业增加投入,不太现实。因此,摆在能源部门各级领导和广大职工面前的任务,是要把已有的能源建设资金使用好,坚持走降低工程造价,缩短建设工期,加快能源建设的路子。 1988年11月底,在山东邹县召开的能源基建现场经验交流会上,首先研究了如何在煤炭、电力行业中,贯彻实施降低工程造价、缩短建设工期问题。下面仅就煤炭基本建设的某些方面谈些看法。近几年,在煤炭基本建设工作上,深化了
After undergoing a decade of reforms, our country has injected a powerful vitality into the national economy, promoted economic and social development, and improved people’s living standards. With the economic and social development, the people’s living standards have increased, and the demand for energy has increased rapidly. The gap between energy supply and demand is growing. At present, in the case of compressing the scale of capital construction investment, it is not realistic to require the country to increase investment in the energy industry. Therefore, the task facing the leadership of the energy sector at all levels and the majority of employees is to use the existing funds for energy construction well, stick to reducing the cost of projects, shorten the construction period, and speed up energy construction. At the end of November 1988, at the energy infrastructure field experience exchange meeting held in Zouxian, Shandong, the first research was carried out on how to reduce the project cost and shorten the construction period in the coal and power industries. The following only talks about some aspects of the basic construction of coal. In recent years, the basic coal construction work has deepened