学术界对随机对照试验(RCT)和循证医学(EBM)的标准在中医学中的应用,持有相反的两种观点,少数学者反对将它们用于中医学,但更多的学者主张将其用于中医学.笔者认为前者对中医、西医、EBM和RCT的理解过于简单化,同时概述了众多正方在灵活创造性地应用随机对照试验方法 上所发展的创新的研究技术,这些技术被用于处理临床疗效研究中的对照和标准化的问题.笔者分析后指出,中医和EBM之间的双向挑战不仅使中医实践出现一些改变,也使临床试验设计出现重要的改进.“,”Drawing on recent publications in English and Chinese,this article explores reactions to the use of randomized controlled trials(RCTs)and the standards of evidence-based medicine(EBM)to evaluate Chinese medicine.Some authors contend that RCTs should not be used to evaluate Chinese medicine,but a far greater number of authors advocate their use.This paper describes the position of the RCT detractors and points out how their arguments contain oversimplified representations of Chinese medicine,biomedicine,EBM,and RCTs.In describing the position of the RCT proponents,the article discusses how challenges of standardization and control in Chinese medicine research have been met with important innovations in clinical trial design.Overall,the article argues that not only Chinese medicine is modified in meeting the demands of RCTs and EBM,but clinical trial design is being transformed through the innovations of Chinese medicine researchers.