国家对野生药材资源实行保护、采猎相结合的原则,并创造条件开展人工种养。国家重点保护的野生药材物种分为三级:一级:濒临灭绝状态的稀有珍贵野生药材物种;二级:分布区域缩小、资源处于衰竭状态的重要野生药材物种;三级:资源严重减少的主要常用野生药材物种。禁止采猎一级保护野生药材物种。破坏野生药材资源情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。摘编自《野生药材资源保护管理条例》神农架拥有独特的地理位置和优越的气候条件,是当今北半球中纬度内陆地区保存较为完好的亚热带森林生态系统。她的植物成分丰富多彩,也为药用植物的孕育和繁衍提供了良好的生态条件。据考察,神农架有高等维管束植物3200多种,其中的药用植物达1 800多种。因此,神农架也有了“植物王国、天然药库”的美誉。
The state implements the principle of combining wild medicinal resources with hunting and hunting, and creates conditions to carry out artificial planting and breeding. Wild medicinal herb species under the State’s protection are divided into three levels: level 1: rare and precious wild medicinal species endangered; level 2: important wild medicinal herb species with reduced distribution areas and depleted resources; level 3: major reduction in resources Common wild herbs species. Prohibition of hunting protected wild medicinal species. Anyone who damages the resources of wild medicinal plants in a serious circumstance and commits a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by the judicial organ according to law. Excerpt from “Wild Medicinal Resources Protection and Management Regulations” Shennongjia unique geographical location and superior climatic conditions, is the Mid-latitude in the northern hemisphere now well-preserved subtropical forest ecosystems. Her rich and colorful plant ingredients, but also for the breeding and reproduction of medicinal plants to provide a good ecological conditions. According to the survey, Shennongjia has more than 3200 vascular plants, of which 1,800 are medicinal plants. Therefore, Shennongjia also has “plant kingdom, natural medicine library ” in the world.