“生活是艺术创作的唯一源泉”和“天道酬勤”的美学思想 一、勤奋是艺术家必备的素质。一九八七年十月荣宝斋出版的《刘文西画集》的序言中这样写到:“刘文西在艺术技巧磨练上,从来不偷巧,不妄捷径,今天他拥有的一切,都如同用老镢头,在荒原上一镢一镢头地刨出来的。”刘文西老师的爱人陈光健老师说:“没有超人的意志干不出超人的事业。”我觉得这句话正好是对刘文西老师在事业上取得成就“秘密”的揭示。刘文西老师不算彻底的职业画家,因为还有行政工作和教学任务,除了他对自己进行“业精于勤”的要求外,对学生也同样要求,即便是在人妖颠倒的时候,他自己画画也不太自由,但对学生还是严格要求的,他告诫学生“要勤勤恳恳扎扎实实地到生活中去画……”同时针对当时空喊口号不干实事的风气愤愤地说:“不干,半点马列主义也
“Life is the only source of artistic creation” and “moral reward” aesthetical thinking, diligence is an essential quality of artists. In the preface to “Liu Wen-xi’s Paintings” published by Rong Baozhai in October 1987, he wrote: “Liu Wen-xi never touted skillfully and artificially in art practice, and everything he has today is just like using Laotou head, in the wilderness on a staggering ground out. ”Liu Wenxi teacher’s wife Chen Guangjian teacher said:“ There is no superman’s will to do superman’s business. ”I think this sentence happens to be Liu Wenxi teacher Career achievements “secret” of the revelation. Liu Wenxi teacher is not a complete professional painter, because there are administrative tasks and teaching tasks, in addition to his own “industry expertise in the ground,” the request, the same requirements for students, even when the demons upside down, he himself Painting is not free, but the students still strictly required, he warned students “to be diligent and diligent in life to draw ... ...” At the same time for the time empty shouting slogan indignantly said: "quit The slightest Marxism-Leninism also