
来源 :西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhan99zhan
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针对原状黄土具有大孔隙的特点,对水玻璃自渗注浆加固原状黄土的可行性及加固效果进行研究.通过现场注浆试验,探究了水玻璃自渗注浆加固原状黄土的可行性并初步确定了加固影响范围.通过强度及水稳性试验,发现经自渗注浆加固后的原状黄土强度高、水稳性好.通过室内自渗注浆模型试验,发现自渗注浆半径随土体含水量的增大而减小,随土体孔隙比的增大而增大.对密度、含水量相同的原状黄土和重塑黄土分别进行水玻璃自渗注浆加固,试验结果表明,加固后原状黄土强度远大于重塑土,说明原状土原有的结构及贯通的大孔隙有利于提高自渗注浆效果.室内外试验结果表明,原状黄土经水玻璃自渗注浆加固后其强度和抗变形能力均大幅提高.运用渗流力学推导出自渗注浆柱形扩散公式,在可接受范围内,注浆半径和注浆量其理论计算值与实测值之间的差异分别约为25%和40%. In view of the characteristic of macropores in intact loess, the feasibility and effect of self-infiltration grouting reinforcement of undisturbed loess are studied.Based on field grouting test, the feasibility of self-infiltration grouting reinforcement of undisturbed loess by water glass Through the tests of strength and water stability, it is found that the undisturbed loess strengthened by self-infiltration grouting has high strength and good water stability.According to the indoor self-infiltration grouting model test, it is found that the radius of self-infiltration grouting varies with soil The soil water content increases and decreases, and increases with the increase of the void ratio of soil.The self-infiltration grouting reinforcement of undisturbed loess and remolded loess with the same density and water content respectively, the test results show that the reinforcement The strength of the undisturbed loess is much larger than that of the remolded soil, indicating that the original structure of the undisturbed soil and the large macropores are conducive to the improvement of the self-permeation grouting effect.The indoor and outdoor test results show that the strength of undisturbed loess after self-infiltration grouting And anti-deformation ability are greatly improved.Using percolation mechanics to derive the self-infiltration slurry cylindrical diffusion formula, within the acceptable range, grouting radius and grouting amount of its theoretical and measured value of the difference between points About 25% and 40%.
<正> 辽(公元907~1125年)与北宋对峙,金灭辽与南宋对峙(公元1115年~1234年),元(公元1271~1368年)灭金与南宋,统一中国。在辽金元统治的地区和时期,食盐专卖制度继续采用。宋代的