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去壳卤虫卵有许多优点,例如不需分离卤虫卵壳、不孵化的卵可直接作为饵料食用。卤虫卵去壳有许多方法,下面介绍一种简单实用的方法。对于美国犹他州大盐湖卵,按3~5g卤虫卵加淡水150ml的标准,放入锥形瓶中,微量充气,水化1小时后去掉淡水,再加入3mllN的NaOH溶液和150ml含有效氯5.25%的溶液,充气3.5~4分钟完成去壳。完成去壳的标准是黑褐色的卵壳变成灰色或桔红 There are many advantages to shelled Artemia eggs, such as no need to separate Artemia eggshell, not hatched eggs can be eaten directly as bait. Artemia egg shell there are many ways, here’s a simple and practical method. For the United States Utah Salt Lake eggs, according to the standard 3 ~ 5g Artemia egg plus fresh water 150ml, into the conical flask, a small amount of aeration, hydration 1 hour after the removal of fresh water, then add 3mllN NaOH solution and 150ml containing effective chlorine 5.25% solution, aerated 3.5 to 4 minutes to complete the shell. The standard to complete the husking is dark brown egg shell becomes gray or orange
一种新型的混合动力发动机可以大幅削减燃料的消耗。     料的消耗,从而使消费者减小对燃油价格的担忧。英国的机械工程师们已经开发出了一种新的内燃机,可以在二冲程和四冲程之间转化。他们说,这个系统可以减少27%的燃油消耗。  位于滨海肖勒姆(shoreham-on-Sea)的研发新发动机的工程公司英国里卡多公司的技术主管内维尔·杰克逊(Neville Jackson)说,燃油消耗量的改进主要来自于发