山药系薯蓣科植物薯蓣(Dioscorea opposite Thunb)的根茎,成品分毛山药和光山药两种,多以切片或研粉入药,性甘、平,入脾、胃、肾经,常以单方直接疗疾食用,为我国重要的药食兼用型植物之一,具有很好药用价值和滋养作用,以山药为主的方便营养食品拥有广泛的市场前景。本文整理当前山药保健品开发情况,及薄层色谱分析情况,为山药保健品的开发与质量评价提供思路。
Yam Department Dioscorea Dioscorea Dioscorea (Dioscorea opposite Thunb) rhizomes, finished hairy yam and Guangyao two kinds, more slices or powder into medicine, Gan Gan, Ping, the spleen, stomach, kidney, often unilateral direct treatment of diseases It is one of the most important medicinal and herbaceous plants in our country. It has good medicinal value and nourishing function. It has a broad market prospect with convenient and nutritious foods mainly made of yam. This article collated the current development of yam health products, and thin-layer chromatography analysis for the development of yam health products and quality evaluation provide ideas.