四、南宋的花鸟小品 南宋是绘画较为普及的时期,这一时期绘画已逐渐深入到普通百姓的日常生活中,而不再是贵族豪门、文人雅士的专利。南宋的花鸟画基本保持北宋工细写实的画风,所不同的是北宋以坡石、花草、禽鸟俱全的表现宫苑小景的大幅卷轴画为主流,而南宋则是以表现折枝、局部和寻常花鸟的扇面、册页和灯片小品为主流。虽然这些小品的气势大不如前,且往往在画面的边角做文章,但是,这些小品的特点却十分突出,如注
Fourth, the Southern Song Dynasty flower and bird pieces Southern Song Dynasty is more popular period of painting, painting during this period has gradually deepened into ordinary people’s daily life, rather than the aristocrats, literati and patent. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the flower and bird paintings of the Southern Song Dynasty basically maintained their style of painting in the Northern Song Dynasty. The difference was that in the Northern Song Dynasty, the mainstream scrolls were mostly sculptured in the sloping stone, flowers and birds, Ordinary flowers and birds of the fan, albums and light pieces for the mainstream. Although these sketches are not as impressive as they used to be, they often make a fuss about the corners of the screen. However, the features of these sketches are quite prominent,