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面对职业高中教育改革的不断深入,职业高中在自身发展的同时,面对的竞争也日趋激烈,能否在新一轮教育结构调整中站稳脚跟,在竞争中求生存、在竞争中求发展,关键就是能否建立一支学科配套、结构合理、人员精干、素质优良、特色鲜明、相对稳定、适应时代发展要求的教师队伍。只有具备了这样一支高素质的师资队伍,才能确保教育教学质量的不断 Faced with the deepening of the reform of vocational high school education, vocational high schools in their own development at the same time, the competition facing increasingly fierce, whether in the new round of education restructuring to gain a foothold in the competition for survival in the competition Development, the key is whether to establish a disciplinary package, a reasonable structure, capable, capable, distinctive, relatively stable, adapt to the requirements of the times the development of teachers. Only with such a high-quality faculty, in order to ensure the quality of education and teaching constantly