By means of liquid scintillation measurement of the Np sample solution which reaches 237Np-233Pa equilibrium with its daughter Pa, the detection efficiency of low energy y spectrum at 28.54, 86.59 and 311.98 keV are obtained. Using these data, the separation of different valence of Np from its daughter Pa is studied. The initial valence of Np is Np(Ⅴ) in solution. In order to compare the separation results, H2O2 is used to prepare Np( Ⅴ). Np(Ⅵ) is prepared by K2Cr2O7 and concentrated HNO3, respectively. TTA and/or TOPO and the back-extraction of them are used to separate Np and Pa. It indicates that initial Np( Ⅴ ) can be separated by TTA or TOPO, and the Np
The means of liquid scintillation measurement of the Np sample solution which reaches 237Np-233Pa equilibrium with its daughter Pa, the detection efficiency of low energy y spectrum at 28.54, 86.59 and 311.98 keV are obtained. Using these data, the separation of different valence of Np from its daughter Pa is studied. The initial valence of Np is Np (V) in solution. In order to compare the separation results, H2O2 is used to prepare Np (Ⅴ). Np (Ⅵ) is prepared by K2Cr2O7 and concentrated HNO3 , respectively. TTA and / or TOPO and the back-extraction of them are used to separate Np and Pa. It indicates that the initial Np (Ⅴ) can be separated by TTA or TOPO, and the Np