1998年以来,社会各界呼吁发展创业资本的热潮日益高涨,这对于我们创业资本产业的发展,无疑是一个推动。目前,“创业资本”(Venture Capital)和“风险资本”(Risk Capital)这两个不同概念也在多种场合被交替使用,造成了一定程度的概念混乱。在英语中,“风险资本”(risk capital)系指未做留置或抵押担保的资本(如收益具有不确定性的普通股票),既可以针对创业企业,也可以针对成熟企业(包括上市公司),是一个与“安全资本”(Security Capital)即以留置或抵押为担保的资本相对等的概念。“创业资本”(Venture Capital)作为投资于创业企业的一种资本形态,则是一
Since 1998, the upsurge of calling for the development of venture capital in the community has been on the rise. This is undoubtedly a boost to the development of our venture capital industry. Currently, two different concepts, Venture Capital and Risk Capital, are also used interchangeably on a variety of occasions, creating a degree of conceptual confusion. In English, “risk capital” (风险 资本) means capital (such as common stock with uncertain returns) that is left unsecured or secured by a mortgage, either as a start-up or as a mature company (including a listed company) Is a concept that is equivalent to “security capital,” ie capital backed by mortgages or mortgages. Venture Capital, as a form of capital investing in start-ups, is one