COREX工艺是用于商业化生产的第一种熔融还原装置。到目前为止,正在运转或即将运转的COREX装置有8台,分属于5家钢铁企业,即南非萨尔达尼西公司的C-2000 COREX装置(1台),印度京德勒西南钢铁公司C-2000COREX装置(2台),韩国浦项钢铁公司C-2000 COREX装置(1台),印度埃萨钢公司C-2000 COREX装置(2台),宝钢C-3000 COREX装置(2台,投产后现迁往新疆八一钢铁公司,正在建设中)。COREX工艺相比高炉炼铁法的突出优点是生产过程中基本上不用焦炭,使得钢铁企业可不建焦化厂
The COREX process is the first melt reduction unit for commercial production. So far, there are eight COREX plants in operation or on the verge of operation, belonging to five steelmakers, namely the C-2000 COREX plant at Saldanitsi in South Africa (1 unit), Cotaira Southwest Steel C C-2000 COREX plant (2 units), Baosteel C-3000 COREX plant (2 units), Corson Corps unit of POSCO (1 unit), C-2000 COREX unit Now moved to Bayi Iron and Steel Company in Xinjiang, under construction). COREX process compared to the outstanding advantage of blast furnace ironmaking process is basically no coke in the production process, making the iron and steel enterprises can not build coking plant