为了观察磁疗是否有促进血肿吸收的作用,我们在家兔双耳上,分别用自家血行皮下注射,造成人工血肿模型,观察磁疗对血肿吸收的疗效,并与超短波治疗组作了对照,初步报告如下: 实验方法 1.一般条件 取体重2,000~3,710克的家兔40只,随机分为磁疗同体组、磁疗异体组、超短波治疗组和对照四个组。分别在兔耳距耳尖下4厘米处
In order to observe whether the magnetic therapy can promote the absorption of hematoma, we used subcutaneous injection of blood in our own ears to make the model of artificial hematoma, observed the effect of magnetic therapy on the absorption of hematoma, compared with the treatment of ultrashort wave, Preliminary reports are as follows: Experimental methods 1. General conditions 40 rabbits weighing 2,000 to 3,710 grams were randomly divided into four groups: magnetic allodynia group, magnetic allogeneic group, ultrashort wave treatment group and control group. Respectively in the rabbit ear away from the tip 4 cm