夏秋更替之际,笔者突患感冒,症状或重或轻,数日不愈。日前,在网上看到一篇题为 Blowing Your Nose Could Make Colds Worse的文章,细读之下,又以自身较之,顿觉茅塞大开。佳文不敢独享,特介绍给广大《科技英语学习》的读者。 原来,感冒时擤鼻涕(blow your nose)会导致 sinus infections,从而加重感冒程度。但令人意外的是,Coughing and sneezing does not propel mucus back intothe sinuses。对此新发现,专家们又以科学实验佐之,十分令人信服。 但这一来,读者可能会问,感冒擤鼻涕往往是“不得己”的,自己又怎能控制呢?当然,文章也未忘记对此作一交待。
At the time of the change of summer and autumn, the author suddenly had a cold, and the symptoms were either heavy or light and he did not recover for a few days. A few days ago, I read an article on the Internet entitled Blowing Your Nose Could Make Colds Worse. Under close reading, I compared it with myself. Jiawen did not dare to enjoy it exclusively. It was specifically introduced to readers of the “Sci-tech English Learning”. It turns out that blow your nose can cause sinus infections during colds, which can increase the degree of cold. Surprisingly, Coughing and sneezing does not propel mucus back into the sinuses. For this new discovery, the experts used scientific experiments to make it very convincing. However, readers may ask, “It is not always possible to have a cold nose and how to control it.” Of course, the article has not forgotten to explain this.