Patient 21 years old, last menstrual period March 5, 1990. The expected date of birth is December 12, 1990. Menopause 4 months and 6 months, respectively, at the township hospital for medical examination, no abnormalities. Pregnancy in May due to dental wear anti-inflammatory tablets 6. No vaginal flow, bleeding and trauma history. October 14, 1990 due to paroxysmal abdominal pain 5 hours admission. Physical examination: the general situation is good, blood pressure 16 / 9kPa, Palace heights 27cm, abdominal circumference 83cm, first dew. Fetal heart 142 times / min, the rules of contractions. Anal examination: cervix open 4cm, water sac inflation, first exposed spines, soft, did not touch the parietal bone, check the amniotic membrane rupture naturally, out of a large amount of amniotic fluid about 3000ml. Miyaguchi open one hour later. Fetal, placenta and delivery at the same time, a live baby girl, Apgar score 5 points, weight