Diffraction of plane P waves around an alluvial valley in poroelastic half-space

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanbingxingshi
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Diffraction of plane P waves around an alluvial valley of arbitrary shape in poroelastic half-space is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation method. Based on the Green’s functions of line source in poroelastic half-space, the scattered waves are constructed using the fictitious wave sources close to the interface of the valley and the density of fictitious wave sources are determined by boundary conditions. The precision of the method is verified by the satisfaction extent of boundary conditions, and the comparison between the degenerated solutions and available results in single-phase case. Finally, the nature of diffraction of plane P waves around an alluvial valley in poroelastic half-space is investigated in detail through numerical examples. Diffraction of plane P waves around an alluvial valley of arbitrary shape in poroelastic half-space is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation method. Based on the Green’s functions of line source in poroelastic half-space, the scattered waves are constructed using the fictitious wave sources close to the interface of the valley and the density of fictitious wave sources are determined by boundary conditions. The precision of the method is verified by the degree of extent of boundary conditions, and the comparison between the degenerated solutions and available results in single- phase case. Finally, the nature of diffraction of plane P waves around an alluvial valley in poroelastic half-space is investigated in detail through numerical examples.
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