Polygonum leaves for Polygonaceae Polygonatum dry leaves. Harvested in summer and autumn, two branches of lush, remove stems and impurities, dry. To thick leaves, color blue green is better. Polygonum Folium Polygonum, spikes terminal or axillary, arranged in close; flowers small, perianth 5 crack, lobes obovate, reddish; stamens 6 to 8; pistil 1, stigma 3 disagree. Achene oblong prism, brown, shiny, enclosed in persistent perianth, flowering from July to September, the fruit from August to October. Mostly for cultivation. After drying Polygonum folium more froward, broken, complete flattened oval, length 3 to 8cm, width 2 to 5cm. Blue-green or black-blue, apex obtuse, base attenuate,