11月18日获悉:NEC 2730MT的价格已降至18800元,降幅超过20%,并且NEC投资购买的10辆用户服务车也已整装待发,随时准备为客户提供优质服务。 NEC 2730MT是基于Intel MMX 133M多能CPU、16M内存、1.44GB硬盘配有16X光驱,128位图形加速,能用USB接口3个重低音先锋音响等多项先进功能,具有全内置一体化设计,该型号配置降至18800元。据NEC的一位负责人透露,NEC对此次年底决战充满信心,并表示了战斗到底的决心。NEC明年还会有更大的动作,将投入2000万元的广告费,24种以上全新机型。
November 18 was informed that: NEC 2730MT price has dropped to 18,800 yuan, a decline of more than 20%, and NEC investment in the purchase of 10 customer service vehicles have been ready to go, ready to provide customers with quality service. NEC 2730MT is based on Intel MMX 133M multi-function CPU, 16M memory, 1.44GB hard drive with 16X optical drive, 128-bit graphics acceleration, USB interface with three bass pioneer audio and many other advanced features, with all-in-one integrated design, The model configuration down to 18,800 yuan. According to a chief executive of NEC, NEC is full of confidence in this decisive battle at the end of this year and has expressed its determination to fight in the end. NEC will have more action next year, will invest 20 million yuan in advertising costs, more than 24 new models.