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秋意盎然,凉风习习,但晌午的阳光还是亮得刺眼,烤在小包的身上烫得难受。奥运会上中国男篮对阵西班牙的比赛真是……看得小包的心拔凉拔凉的,无奈又没有热宝可以敷在胸口,徒留一声叹息。但中国夺得的金牌数量的不断攀升,还是令我们每一个中国人都倍感荣耀和自豪的。又一个暑假过去了,当你们手捧这期《篮球频道》杂志时,开学的日子也已经近了。用家长的话说就是:小夹板又要套上了!暑期所有的轻松和欢乐都只能留作回忆了。小包希望你们千万不要因为没有完成暑假作业而后悔和内疚啊,看到我的这句话了没?还没完成任务的,要抓紧喽!也许还有些同学已经把下学期将要学习的科目都预习完一遍了呢!那小包就要抱拳恭喜那些上进心强的同学啦!总之,又到新学期了,重新整合一下你记忆库中的知识储备,就像那些NBA的球队重新“洗牌”一样,哪些记忆重要,哪些可以舍弃,心里可要有个数哦!自从上一期我们随杂志附上了一张评刊表后,收效甚佳。小包的桌面上又铺满了你们寄来的评刊表,搞得小包目不暇接地,不过很是欣慰啦!难得热忱的你们如此响应本杂志的号召!但是,投稿的同学可是少了很多呢,莫非你们都在忙暑假作业,那小包就理解万岁啦!最后,小包祝你们新学期新气象,篮球技术日益精湛吧! Autumn, breezy, but the sun was bright at noon dazzling, brimming in the parcel body hot uncomfortable. Olympic Games, China men’s basketball match against Spain is really ... ... see the hearts of the packet pulling cold pull cool, helpless and no hot treasure can be deposited in the chest, leaving a sigh. However, the ever-increasing number of gold medals won by China still makes every Chinese person feel honored and proud of it. Another summer has passed, and when you’re holding this issue of “Basketball Channel,” the days of school are nearing end. In the words of the parents is: a small splint to be put on! All summer relaxed and joy can only be left for memories. I hope you guys do not regret and feel guilty because you did not finish the summer homework. If you do not see my words yet, you should pay close attention to what you have not done! Maybe some of you have already finished the next semester Prepare it again! The packet is about to congratulate the students who are passionate about it! In short, to the new semester, to re-integrate the knowledge base in your memory, just like the NBA teams to re-wash Like the cards, which memories are important and what can be discarded, there should be a few in my heart! Since the last issue we attached a magazine with the magazine, the results were very good. Packed with the surface of the packet you sent the review table, made a small packet of dizzying, but very pleased with it! Hard-hearted you so respond to the magazine’s call! However, the submission of students but a lot less, Could you both busy summer homework, then the packet to understand long live it Finally, the packet I wish you a new atmosphere of the new semester, basketball skills increasingly sophisticated it!
柳飘飘:你怎么不去死啊,你个死跑龙套的!尹天仇:其实,我是一个演员。Chris Bosh我对猛龙队的“带头大哥”波什很失望。这位“龙王”在常规赛末期和季后赛的第一轮的表现只能
来,做道多选题,我一直很喜欢多选题——至少有些答案可以选。谁是杰夫·鲍尔? A.电视剧《反恐24小时》里的角色? B.老摇滚乐队沙纳纳的主唱? C.纽约扬基队1950年获得冠军时的