尽管2 0 0 3年上半年全球爆发的严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)经世界卫生组织证实为一种SARS 冠状病毒(SARS CorV)引起,但临床的一些证据表明还不能排除有其他微生物的作用。2 0 0 3年3月,我们从北京第一例SARS患者A及其母亲的痰漱液和咽拭子标本中分别分离出BYD1和BLD1两株呼肠病?
Although the global outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in the first half of 2003 was confirmed by the World Health Organization as a SARS Coronavirus (SARS CorV), some clinical evidence suggests that other microorganisms can not be ruled out . In March 2003, we isolated two strains of BYD1 and BLD1 from the sputum rinse and throat swab specimens of the first SARS patient A and their mothers in Beijing.