疖肿也称疖,俗称疔疮,是由于局部皮肤擦伤或受到摩擦刺激,引起一个毛囊及其所属皮脂腺的急性化脓感染,常扩展到周围皮下组织[1]。近年来,作者对53例患疖肿学生进行患病认知及护理情况调查,其中男生50例,女生3例,年龄在19~26周岁。疖肿红肿范围3~8 cm,患者均有不同程度的疼痛感,焦虑不安,部分出现发热伴全身症状。1临床资料1.1患病早期普通病例的处理1.1.1局部处理先用75%酒精对疖肿区域及其周围皮肤进
Boil swelling also known as boils, commonly known as scabies, is due to local skin abrasions or friction stimuli, causing a hair follicle and its affiliated sebaceous acute suppurative infection, often extended to the surrounding subcutaneous tissue [1]. In recent years, the author investigated the prevalence of illness awareness and nursing of 53 cases of boils, including 50 boys and 3 girls, aged 19 to 26 years old. Mucous swelling range 3 ~ 8 cm, patients have varying degrees of pain, anxiety, fever in part with systemic symptoms. 1 Clinical data 1.1 early treatment of common cases 1.1.1 local treatment with 75% alcohol on the swollen area and the surrounding skin into