邓子恢领导下的一名女战士 陈兰,原名陈金娣,出生于龙岩县崎濑村一个贫苦农民家庭。陈兰6岁那年,适中石门炉村有一石匠家要收养童养媳,托人来陈家联系,双方讲妥,按一岁6块钱计算,姐妹5人中排行老三的陈兰就像卖猪一样定了命运。按照当时家乡的习俗,3个月后,陈兰穿起一件花衣裳,站在堂屋,婆家的人来,双手递上“红包”后,就用背斗来背人。头上搭一块红布,被来人从后门背走了(按习俗,等长大要结婚时,再回娘家从大门出嫁)。 丈夫谢正金,把陈兰取名陈金娣。6岁的陈兰就会喂鸡、放牛、割草,还得给谢正金送饭到田间。谢正金为人正直和蔼,每次吃饭,都要留下一小半给陈兰吃,并亲切地问道:“你饿吧?”每逢过年过节,桌上的菜肴丰盛些,谢正金背着妈妈夹些好菜塞进她碗里,两人像兄妹一样相亲相爱。 1929年,毛泽东、朱德率领中国工农红军第四军入闽,五六月间三克龙岩城,建立了县苏维埃政权,打土豪,分田地,提倡“男女平等”、“婚姻自由”。18岁的陈兰和谢正
Chen Lan, a female warrior under the leadership of Deng Zixuan, was originally a poor peasant family born at Qiase Village, Longyan County. Chen Lan 6 years old, Moderate Shimen furnace village have a stonemason home to adopt child daughter-in-law, the trustee to contact Chen, the two sides explained, according to a year-old 6 dollars, the sisters, the third of the three ranked Chen Lan is like selling The same fate of pigs. In accordance with the customs of the time at home, 3 months later, Chen Lan wears a flower clothes, stand in the hall, her husband’s family, hands on the “red envelope”, the back to back. Take a red cloth head, was come back from the back door (according to the custom, waiting to grow up to get married, go back to their parents from the door to marry). Husband Xie Zhengjin, named Chen Jindi Chen Lan. 6-year-old Chen Lan will feed the chicken, put cattle, mowing, have to send to the field Xie Jin. Xie Zhengjin honest and kind people, each meal, we should leave a half to Chen Lan eat, and cordially asked: “You are hungry?” New Year holiday, the table full of rich dishes, Xie Jin carrying my mother folder Good stuffed into her bowl, the two love each other like brothers and sisters. In 1929, Mao Zedong and Zhu De led the Fourth Army of the Red Army of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants into Fujian and the Sancong Longyan City in May and June. They established the county Soviet political power, hit local tyrants and sub-fields, and advocated “gender equality” and “marriage freedom.” 18-year-old Chen Lan and Xie Zheng