
来源 :现代舰船 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fkswind
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荷兰是一个具有悠久造船历史的国家,早在17世纪,荷兰的商船队及护航的武装船队就已是海上贸易航线的常客。在二战时,荷兰的造船工业遭受严重破坏,因此战后荷兰为了重振海上实力,不得不先从引进或仿制国外舰艇起步。由于荷兰的造船技术与工业有着雄厚的基础,所以当荷兰又开始自行设计建造舰艇时,其性能已具备当时世界先进水平。“特罗姆普”级护卫舰就是荷兰战后完全自己设计的第一级护卫舰,因满载排水量在当时相对较大,曾 The Netherlands is a country with a long history of shipbuilding. As early as the 17th century, the merchant fleet of the Netherlands and the escorting armed fleet were already frequent visitors to maritime trade routes. In World War II, the Dutch shipbuilding industry suffered serious damage, so the post-war Holland in order to revitalize the sea strength, had to start with the introduction or imitation of foreign ships started. As the Dutch shipbuilding technology and industry has a solid foundation, so when the Dutch began to design and build their own ships, the performance has reached the world advanced level. “Trompe” class frigates were the first class frigates of the Netherlands designed entirely after the war because of the relatively large displacement displacement at that time. Once
酸和胆汁反流与胃食管反流症状关系的研究 Relationship between Acid and Bile Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms
《特种结构》编辑部邮箱变更为[email protected],投稿及相关事宜请发至此邮箱。原邮箱[email protected]自本声明发布之日起停用,给您带来不便敬请谅解。近期有作者反映,在互联网上
The efect of sintering temperature on the densification mechanisms,microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered(SPS)compacts of
患儿,男,1岁半。因食欲差,消瘦,乏力1月余,间歇发热20天而来就诊。平时患儿体健,近1月偶有烦躁、哭吵,吴蜷曲体位。查体:T38℃,R30次/分,体重 9kg,精神差,贫血貌,面色苍白,巩膜无黄染,眼睑结膜苍白,心肺未见