一游东方明珠今年暑假,妈妈带我到了上海。上海是我国最大的城市,那里的高楼大厦非常多,而且都很高,但最令人瞩目的还是东方明珠电视塔。东方明珠电视塔高468米,是亚洲第一,世界第三高呢! 东方明珠稳稳当当地矗立在黄浦江岸边,它的建筑造型新颖别致,犹如一串从天而降的明珠,散落在上海浦东这块美丽的土地上,在阳光的照射下,闪烁着耀人的光芒,是上海新的标志性建筑。它的底部是由四根大
A Pearl of the Orient this summer vacation, my mother took me to Shanghai. Shanghai is the largest city in China with many high-rise buildings and high places, but the most striking feature is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Oriental Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, is Asia's first, the world's third-highest! Oriental Pearl Tower is firmly standing on the banks of the Huangpu River, its architectural style novel and unique, like a string of pearl from the sky, scattered in Shanghai Pudong this beautiful Of the land, shining bright light under the sunshine, is a new landmark in Shanghai. Its bottom is made of four large