伴随着祖国各条战线不断传来的喜讯,我校也贴出一份引人注目的喜报——张宝珍老师被批准入党了! 全校的教职工,心里有说不出的喜悦和舒畅。一个曾经被打成“现行反革命”的人,如今成了共产党员,这怎能不引起人们的强烈关注?怎能不使广大教师的心情激荡? 提起张宝珍老师的入党问题,还须从头说起。张宝珍老师,今年四十五岁了。他出身工人家庭,亲身经历过日本帝国主义和国民党的反动统治,亲眼看到外国人在中国的土地上耀武扬威,汉奸和国民党的官员跟在外国人的屁股后头摇尾乞怜,帮着外国人欺侮中国人。这在他少年的心灵里产生了反抗情绪。他在中学时期就喜欢读历史书,懂得中华民族有悠久的文化,是个伟大的勤劳勇敢的民族。中国古代有许多科学家、发明家和
Along with the good news from all fronts of the motherland, our school has also posted a remarkable rewarded newspaper - Teacher Zhang Baozhen was approved to join the party! The faculty and staff in this school feel unspeakably joyful and comfortable. How can we not arouse the strong concerns of the people who have been labeled as “the current counterrevolutionaries” and now they have become communists? How can we not agitate the feelings of the vast numbers of teachers? . Cheung Po-jean, forty-five years old this year. He was a worker’s family and experienced the reactionary rule of Japanese imperialism and the Kuomintang. He witnessed foreigners glory in China’s land, traitors and officials of the Kuomintang flailed behind foreigners’ buttocks and helped foreigners to bully Chinese . This created revolt in his youth. He likes to read history books in high school and understands that the Chinese nation has a long history of culture and is a great hardworking and courageous nation. There are many scientists, inventors and inventors in ancient China