缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia,IDA)是我国小儿常见疾病之一,主要好发于6个月~5岁婴幼儿期。有统计显示该婴幼儿期患病率达12.6%~([1]),严重者可导致小儿的生长发育缓慢、免疫力低下以及运动功能障碍等。故临床中针对小儿IDA早期诊治、相关因素分析、积极预防等措施对小儿健康具有重要意义。笔者经过对我院收治的76例小儿IDA患者的治疗效果及危险因素地行分析总结,现报告
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the common diseases in children in our country. It mainly occurs in 6 months to 5 years of infancy. Statistics show that the prevalence of infancy and early childhood up to 12.6% ~ ([1]), severe cases can lead to slow growth and development of children, low immunity and motor dysfunction. Therefore, the clinical diagnosis and treatment of IDA in children early, related factors analysis, active prevention and other measures of pediatric health is of great significance. After I admitted to our hospital in 76 cases of children with IDA treatment and risk factors to analyze the trip, the report is now reported