夏季到野外去放松一下我们紧张而疲劳的神经 ,对生活和事业都是非常有益的事情。但是你也要意识到一些危险时刻存在于我们的身边 ,因此 ,你应该做到 :进入山区、树林、草丛地带应穿好鞋袜 ,扎紧祥腿。如果在草丛中作业时 ,尽可能穿着长简胶靴或戴手套 ,同时不要随便让肌肉露出
Summer to the wild to relax our nervous and tired nerves, life and career are very useful thing. But you also need to be aware that some dangerous times lie with us. Therefore, you should: Get into the mountains, woods and grasslands. If working in the grass, try to wear long gel boots or gloves as much as possible while not allowing the muscles to be exposed