According to the mechanism of pathological movement, we used acupuncture to treat 102 hospitalized stroke patients with hemiplegia. Acupuncture paralysis, both sides of the health-side observation group, a total of 55 cases; pure acupuncture side as the control group, a total of 47 cases. Results After acupuncture for 5 times, the muscular strength of the lower limbs in the group with paralyzed side was grade Ⅲ in 42 cases, while in the control group only 9 cases (P <0.01). After acupuncture for 10 times, the muscular strength of the lower limbs in the observation group was above grade Ⅳ 41 cases, while the control group only 11 cases (P <0.05). Confirmed the feasibility of clinical application of pathological movement mechanism.