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1958年,我厂经过总路线大宣傅、大学习和推广两参一改的经验之后,生产上出现了一个一跃再跃的局面,由1957年完不成国家计划,变战了1958年提前26天完成了国家计划。这个局面的出现,主要是在上级党委的正确领导下,实行了政治掛帅大搞群众运动,经常认真的开展社会主义与共产主义教育运动的结果。现在把我们的几个主要作法介绍如下。(一)党委决定,各方去办。就是根据各个不同时期的所有重大问题和政治思想工作,都在党委会上统一安排,作出决议,各个党委书记按条条分工和块块分工结合起来分担总的思想教育工作,从党委委员到党的小组长,从团委书记到团的小组长,从工会主席到工会小组长,从厂长到生产小组长,实行了层层领导带头,政治掛帅,搞好思想工作。如在抗早卫生运动中,书记亲自带领飞行宣传队到处宣传鼓动,原计划七天任务,三天就完了。我们认为这种作法,是适应当前大搞群众运动,和运动一个接一个的新形势的需要,它的好处是力量集中,行动快,能把社会主义和共产主义的思想教育运动和生产全面大跃进紧密结 In 1958, after our factory’s great promotion of the general route and learning and promotion of the experience of changing the two parties, there was a leap in production. By 1957, the state plan was not completed and the war was advanced to 1958 ahead of schedule. The day completed the national plan. This situation has arisen mainly under the correct leadership of the Party committees at the higher levels, and has implemented the result of political campaigns carrying out mass campaigns and carrying out socialist and communist education campaigns often and conscientiously. Here are some of our major practices: (A) the party decided to go to do all parties. That is, according to all major issues and political and ideological work in different periods, all arranged and arranged a resolution on the party committees. Party committee secretaries, in accordance with the principle of division of labor and the division of labor and division of labor, shared the work of ideological education in general, from party members to the party Group leader, from the Communist Youth League secretary to the group leader, from the union chairman to the union chairman, from the director to the production team leader, implemented a layer of leadership to take the lead, political command, do a good job ideological work. For example, in the Anti-Early Health Campaign, the secretary personally led the flight propaganda team to promote and encourage people. The original seven-day mission plan was completed within three days. We think this kind of approach is to meet the needs of the present massacre of mass campaigns and new ones one after another. Its advantages are the concentration of power, quick action, and the ability to comprehensively and ideologically educate and develop the socialist and communist schools. Leap forward tight knot
1 职业性哮喘的定义及发病情况70年代以前 ,所有支气管哮喘的定义都是围绕着支气管平滑肌痉挛这一哮喘的功能性改变而定义的。近年来 ,随着对支气管哮喘的分子病理学、免疫
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2006年9月,德国贝伦贝格银行和HWWI汉堡国际经济研究所发表了海运贸易及运输物流研究报告,该报告以2006年欧盟正式公布的欧洲港口2004年的 In September 2006, the Belember