新生儿脑膜炎混合性感染较少见,现报告1例如下: 病历摘要女,20天,因发热5天伴两眼上翻4天于1984年8月15日入院。入院前5天突然发热伴腹胀,翌日起,时有两眼上翻及吐沫,吃奶尚可。系第2胎第2产,无产时窒息史,旧法接生,产于洗澡盆内。体检:体温36.8℃,呼吸42次/分,体重3.2kg。神志清,哭声响,无黄疸,皮肤有皮疹结痂,部分破溃。前囟平,颅骨缝未闭。瞳孔等大,光反应存在,咽微红。颈软,心、肺、腹未见异常。血红蛋白105g/L,
Neonatal meningitis mixed infections are rare, is now reported in 1 case as follows: Female medical summary, 20 days, 5 days due to fever with two eyes up 4 days in 1984 August 15 admission. Sudden fever with abdominal distension 5 days before admission, the next day, when there are two on the turn and spittle, nurse acceptable. Department of the second line of the second production, choking during labor-free history, the old law birth, produced in the tub. Physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, breathing 42 beats / min, body weight 3.2kg. Conscious, crying, jaundice, skin rashes scab, partial ulceration. Anterior fontanelle, cranial seams not closed. Pupil and other large, light reaction exists, pharyngeal red. Neck soft, heart, lung, abdomen no exception. Hemoglobin 105g / L,