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实行购租并举,发展住房租赁市场,是深化住房制度改革的重要内容,有利于加快改善居民尤其是新市民住房条件,推动新型城镇化进程。随着温州土地使用年限到期需支付30%房价让人们开始讨论起租房划算还是买房划算的话题来。而国家提出发展住房租赁市场后,再次让租房话题引爆各大媒体头条。而电视剧中“欢乐颂”式的合租模式也似乎为很多人提供了样本。5月4日会议,决定对促进民间投资政策落实情况开展专项督查;确定培育和发展住房租赁市场的措施;部署促进通用航空业发展等。会议指出,实行购租并举,发展住房租赁市场,是深化住房制度改革 The simultaneous implementation of rent-seeking and development of the housing rental market is an important part of deepening the reform of the housing system, which is conducive to accelerating the improvement of housing conditions for residents, especially newcomers, and promoting the process of new urbanization. With the expiration of Wenzhou land use rights to pay 30% of the price so that people began to discuss the issue of renting a bargain or buy a bargain. The country put forward the development of housing rental market, once again let the topic of rent set off major media headlines. The “happy ode” model of sharing in the drama also seems to provide a sample for many. May 4 meeting, decided to promote the implementation of non-governmental investment policies to carry out special inspections; determine the cultivation and development of housing rental market measures; deployment to promote the development of the general aviation industry. The meeting pointed out that the implementation of both rent and purchase, the development of the housing rental market, is to deepen housing reform
平阴局帮助企业制定特种设备事故应急预案 成武加强棉花市场监管 沂水举办专业司炉工培训班 德州局制定行为规范 任城为民营企业建立质量户口