编·手记:在与长辈漫长的道别中,仿佛送一程,说一声再见,便又能见到一面。可是,事实上却是在岁月面前,偏偏极少有机会来一场庄重的告别,更多的时候是猝不及防地迎来不告而别,后会无期。women haoxiang bu ceng gaobie guo不曾过一告别分两种。有的是会再见的,有的却是永别。每次我与奶奶告别,总觉得我们还是要再见的,而每次再见,她都老了一些。她油黑的头发不知何时已被丝丝稀疏的银发取而代之。她一手拄拐,一手撑着椅子,在家里慢慢地走来走去,做饭、热菜、叠衣服……而不知从什么时候开始,
Code · Notes: In the long farewell with the elders, as if to send a ride, say goodbye, they can see one side. However, in fact, it is in front of the years, but seldom has a chance to come to a solemn bid farewell, more often is unprepared to usher in the slightest disappointment, and then there will be no end. women haoxiang bu ceng gaobie guo Some will be goodbye, others will be goodbye. Every time I say goodbye to my grandmother, I always feel that we still have to see you, and every time you see, she’s older. She did not know when the oil black hair has been replaced by sparse silver hair. Her hand Zhu Shui, holding a chair in one hand, walking slowly around the house, cooking, hot dishes, folding clothes ... And I do not know when to start,