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今天,凡是教过几年语文的同志,很少有人不知道于漪这个名字的.然而,要同于漪语文教学有什么特色,她的教学基本经验何在,在理论上有什么建树,却不是大家都很清楚、很明白的.这可能有两个方面的原因:一是于漪著作多达一百几十万字(还不包括她主编、编写的东西),有同志形容为一座“巍峨壮观的大山”(《中学语文教坛风格流派录》第36页,辽宁教育出版社1989年10月版。下简称《流派录》).要认识它,掌握它,自然不是一件轻而易举的事;二是现在语文教学研究的“风”还不大对头,大量的篇幅、文字都围绕着高考、中考转,热衷于搞升学率,或者编学生练习、复习资料,搞“实惠”,在学生头上刮油水.前者是“近视眼”,后者是“势力眼”,而深入地、系统地研究语文教学历史和现状的作品,研究语文教学名家的文字却常常出不来,这不是正常的现象,应该引起有关领导和主管同志的重视,切实改善和彻底改变这种状况才是! 于漪语文教学经验是丰富而宝贵的,她的语文教学理论和实践独具特色,是恩格斯所说的“这一个”,值得我们认真学习、细细琢磨。多年来,我一直关注着于漪同志语文教学改革的成果;近几个月来.我又重温了于漪同志的主要著作,深深感到这是一个蕴藏丰硕的宝库,如于漪同志经常引用的:“夫千金之珠.必在九重之渊而骊龙颔下。”(《庄 Today, many comrades who have taught Chinese for several years are very few people who don’t know Yu’s name. However, what are the characteristics of Yu’s language teaching? What are her fundamental teaching experiences? What is the theoretical achievement? Everyone is very clear and well-understood. There may be two reasons for this: First, Yu Tong’s works are as large as one hundred and several hundred thousand words (not including what she edits and writes). Comrades describe it as “a “The Spectacular Mountains” (page 36 of “The School of Middle School Language Teaching Style”, October, 1989, Liaoning Education Press. Now referred to as “The Genre”). To understand it and master it is not an easy task at all. The second is that the “wind” of Chinese language teaching research is still not quite right. A large amount of space and words are centered around the college entrance examination and the middle school entrance examination. They are keen to engage in higher school entrance rate, or compile student exercises, review materials, and engage in “affordable” students. Scraping the oil on the head. The former is “myopia” and the latter is the “eye of power.” In-depth and systematic research on the history and status quo of Chinese language teaching, and research on the language teaching masters are often inaccessible. This is not normal. The phenomenon should be caused by Leading and leading comrades attach great importance to effectively improve and completely change this situation! Yu Yu’s experience in language teaching is rich and valuable. Her unique Chinese teaching theory and practice is what Engels called “this one”. It is worth our careful study and careful study. For many years, I have been following the results of Comrade Yu Tong’s reforms in Chinese language teaching. In recent months, I have relived Comrade Yu’s major works. I deeply feel that this is a treasure trove of abundant resources, as Comrade Yu Yu’s often Quoted: “The beads of the husband and wife will surely be in the depths of the Ninefolds and the Dragons.” ("Zhuang