1991年11月中旬,我们对四县二市的妇幼保健工作进行了联合检查,发现普遍存在着服务水平和管理能力低,与保健的需求差距太大.尤其是贫困县,妇幼保健队伍不稳定,人员业务素质差,能力偏低.如何解决这些问题是我们妇幼保健工作的当务之急. 渑池县属于贫困县之一,近年来虽然在乡、村二级妇女儿童保健人员的培训工作上,曾作了些工作但由于经费紧张以及乡级妇幼人员调换比较频繁而影响了妇幼保健工作的开展及队伍的稳定.由于村级妇幼保健人员得不到适当的劳务补贴,工作搞
In mid-November 1991, we conducted a joint inspection of maternal and child health care in two counties and two cities and found that there is a widespread prevalence of service and management capacity that is far behind the demand for health care, especially in poor counties where maternal and child health care teams are unstable , Poor quality of personnel business, ability is low.How to solve these problems is our maternal and child health care work priorities.Mongchi County is one of the poor counties in recent years, although in rural and village level two women and children health personnel training work, However, due to funding constraints and the frequent replacement of women and children at the township level, the MCH work has been affected and the stability of the team has been affected. Since the MCH staff at the village level are not provided adequate labor subsidies,